Sunday, June 20, 2010

I think it should be called Daddy's Day

Growing up I only had one real "father" figure in my Grandfather...Pappa. For all the love and affection shown by by Pappa I was never a "Daddy's girl" but I have learned to accept this, however it was a long road to get here. My quote of the day(on Facebook); “Letting go doesn’t mean giving up, but rather accepting that there are things that cannot be.” ` anon - is in reference to when I accepted that I would never have that kind of relationship with my father. I really don't want to get into the how's and why's of my "Daddy-less" childhood, because I no longer give that power. What I do give power to is the Mommy that made every birthday special, the mommy that kissed the boo boos and the heartbreaks. The mommy who loved me enough for three people, not just two.The mommy who worked two jobs sometimes just to put food on the table, knowing his family was eating steak.  I called her this morning and told her Happy Father's Day, she giggled, but I heard the heartbreak in her smile...she wanted for me, what she had, but that was the one gift she could never give wasn't hers to give and that affected her sometimes more than me...helpless to help her child, I can't imagine. I give her power.
I also give power to the man that I married, my Prince Charming. He is the best kind of daddy, he loves his children more than they will ever know. His sense of responsibility to them amazes me everyday. If they falter, he wants to help them be successful and it hurts him if they hurt, it scares him even. When they were babies, he played with them, sang to them, kissed their boo boos and then told them to shake it off. As children, he let them drive his truck, took them to baseball games,built their bikes, coached little league and helped with school projects. Now they are older and he tries to be helpful when they let him, he is so patient. He can't wait to be a grandpa so that he can do it all over again...he longs to see his children's children play in his yard, ride bikes and hit a baseball or two.
I am lucky that I had such a loving grandfather, a Momma that tried to pick up the slack and Husband that Loves his family more than I will ever know.
Happy Daddy's Day to all the great men out there that stepped up to the plate and hit a home-run!
Off to bake a cake for our celebration today! Tata for now!

Linking up with SOCC & Shadow Shot Sunday!


Jan said...

Wonderful tribute.

Lynda Howells said...

Great entry and happy shadow shot sunday to youxlynda

Cassie said...

Nice post! Yes, daddy is an appropriate name for the swell guys who have stepped up to the plate! Happy Shadow Shot Sunday!!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Neat post! I think we can honor a lot of people on Father's Day. My father died when I was young, so like you, I celebrate the other important men in my life. One being my husband, and one being the Lord. He has been the best father of all to me.


Sheila :-)

Stephani Cochran said...

I absolutely love this post Dee! And I agree, it should be called Daddy's Day! This was just such a touching story and tribute. I participated on SOOC with my photo blog but there isn't anything heartfelt about it! :) Have a great week!

Hey Harriet said...

A wonderful post! Thanks for joining in Shadow Shot Sunday.

It's not Father's Day until September on this side of the pond. Odd that we all celebrate at different times of the year...

Clytie said...

I have tears in my eyes after reading this post. My children are in a similar situation - they have a 'father', but not a 'daddy'. He has no time for them, and in fact lives a thousand miles away.

So I say ... Happy DADDY's Day is absolutely PERFECT.