I could direct you over to the funny little "My Sock Drawer" Blog, where you can discover the Sock of the Week, or take a poll and contribute to the missing sock theory.

Photo: © Comstock
They also had several other tips about saving money but this is a Sock post...let's stay on track.
What about MAKING MONEY with the sock drawer? or Shopping out of the sock drawer? The Sock drawer shelter over Etsy has some really cute critters. Go see this little shop - very cute. What? okay...back on track.

We could explore alternatives to the sock drawer. Over at Organization Quest (informative little blog), this blogger talks about a friends "naturally organized" mom storing socks in shoes. Interesting...however PC has 2 pair of shoes and a gazillion socks. Nope won't work. She has a bunch of good ideas on her blog - go visit and leave some love.

Step 1
Pull all socks out of the drawer and onto a bed or table. Match up pairs of loose socks. Set aside those that need mending. Remove socks that are beyond repair, along with single socks, and reuse these for another purpose (see Tips) or toss.
Step 2
Insert a drawer organizer. Use narrow shoe boxes or commercial sock boxes. Make use of as much space as possible, placing the boxes lengthwise in the drawer.
Step 3
Designate a small area as a holding place for lone socks. Toss them after a month.
Step 4
Return the pairs to the drawer, grouping them in the boxes by color and type (pantyhose, sport, dress). Use a trifold method for storing the socks versus the cuff-over strategy. It's quicker and minimizes stretching of the cuff elastic.
Step 5
Match up pairs as you sort each batch of clean laundry and place them in the appropriate box.
AHA!! Step 5 is the glitch! I have to sort them BEFORE they go into the drawer - I thought my drawer was broken. Oh well, I guess what it all boils down to is that this post is still boring, and I still have a sock drawer to tackle. TaTa for now!
What an excellent organizing tackle!! Great ideas:-)
My van was hard work to tackle but this was one of those tackles that gets overlooked. Good job. I did all my sock/undies drawers a while back for a tackle, same deal, husband could never find a pair that matched.
Cute little blog.
I'll be back.
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