Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday - My front porch looking In

It's Outdoor Wednesday over at Southern Daydreamer and for this month she wants us to post our pictures of outdoor decorations...well technically...I don't have any. But a large part of how I decorate on the inside has to do with how it will look on the outside. I believe this is due to Mrs' Shultz. When I was a little girl, there was a lady who lived around the corner from my grandma's house, her name was Mrs. Shultz. Every year around thanksgiving I would beg Momma to drive down her street so we could see if they turned "the lights" on yet. It was such a magical time...even when "the lights" weren't turned on yet,but we could see that her "handy man" was setting it all up outside. Oh, I was just giddy with anticipation and then the day came when we'd turned down the street and you could see the glow and hear the music...MAGIC! Momma would go extra slow to let the excitement build and then we would stop right in front of the house and roll down the windows (brrrrrr..this was Ohio) and ooo and ahhhh. It was like an Easter egg hunt to see what she had added each year. She had swaying carolers and a pianist, Santa and his reindeer and my very favorite...a tree in EVERY window. So you see...I have begun the tradition of a tree every year, so that when our nieces and nephews and eventually grandchildren drive up to our house...they are giddy with excitement and the wonder of "what dd she add this year?" Can you see the three trees? There are actually 12 decorated trees in the house right now, but I have a lot more windows left. Happy decorating and TaTa for now!


The Stylish House said...

Isn't it fun to take a peek at Christmas windows. I love going around town and looking at the lights and decorations.
HO, HO, HO!!!

Shellbelle said...

I love when folks throw back the curtains at Christmas and we can see their beautiful tree. What a wonderful tradition you have started for your family.

Jeanne said...

You have the decorating spirit! Go girl!