I am participating in Outdoor Wednesday today - I love seeing all of the ladies posts about their yards and such. However, in the desert, it can be a little challenging to capture the beauty we see in a photo. I am going to take up that challenge - but in a future post. Today I am going to let you see a small stroll through the town of Paso Robles:
A store after my own heart..
or wallet..oh well!
now head into the country with me....
Thanks for joining me for just a glimpse of a very quaint town and beautiful countryside that gives France a run for the money. I'll be back tomorrow for Tasty Thursday with some great recipes!
Welcome to Outdoor Wednesday DeAnna! I enjoyed the stroll through the quaint little town!
Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan
Thanks for taking me window shopping with you! Now I need to go check out what Hawaiian Haystacks are!
Hello DeAnna, I so enjoyed the tour of that sweet town. Fun and interesting too. France, move over!!!
Thanks so much for the sweet stop at your blog. Love the music in the background and the sweet glimpse of your lovely village.
Really nice post.
sweetie, i so love your blog! and because i miss all of you so much, i love that you keep it current and i get to share your days, even from here. sometimes, when i'm busy with grama(i show her your pictures all the time - she thinks your house is beautiful too!), i open your blog and listen to your playlist. the music brings my family to me so clearly, i feel like i'm sharing our lives all over again, because each one brings me a special memory or smile. your blog is so beautiful - like my daughter - and i enjoy everything about it. thanks for sharing the trip to pasa robles, but i especially enjoy the pictures of pc and the kids, and the house. just so you know, i feel less lonely when i read your new posts. i have been to some of the other blogs on your 'like to visit' list - you ladies are pretty impressive. i look forward to reading more...
be safe sweetie, be well - i love you
I thoroughly enjoyed walking through the town with you. I hope we'll see you here often. Have a wonderful day.
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